
Saturday, 17 November 2012


Every scientific discipline ,whatever that is,or an activity that has the basic science that is recognized and reliable, can be used scientific interest in law enforcement efforts. Forensic world is so rich with a variety of disciplines have sought to establish the existence, mobilizing every ability and apply their knowledge for the sake of upholding the rule of law. Outside the forensic pathologist, known for some disciplines that are often used their knowledge for legal purposes, including; Criminology, digital forensics, computer forensics, forensic anthropology, forensic archaeology  forensic geology, forensic meteorology, and so forth. In general, the application form all of these discipline is called forensic science that was born to answer any questions relating to the law.

One of the most frequently performed in any efforts to create a forensic examination of the documentation process, Photography is one of the media who have contributed substantially in this process.

Since its inception, photography has become a main attraction for scientists and artists. Scientists have used photography to record and study the motion of a mechanism, such as Eadweard Muybridge studies on the mechanism of movement of animals and humans in 1887. The artists also have the same interests on aspects of photography. Not only that, they also try to explore more deeply to produce works that are not just as a form of representation of reality through photos of the mechanical process, as did the artists images sensible pictorials, which is famous for his idea to combine painting and etching through the art of photography. Military, law enforcer and security personel use photography as a supervisor, a detector and as data storage. Photography is also used to present the image memory of a time, to capture special events, tells the story of an event, sends a message, or as a more means of entertainment.

Today, photography has become a powerful means of visual communication and a mode of visual expression that touches human life in many ways. Photography also acted as some sort of medium of visual communication which functions as a tool to express certain feelings or desires. A picture is worth a thousand words. It can tell a lot of stories with one language without any interpretation. It is also able to record various situations and events. We are able to see facial expressions, the environment, or the history simply by looking at a picture. Kepler (1974) in his book “Your Future in Photography” defines visual communication photography by emphasizing the following:

As with other Visual arts, the meaning of a photograph may be impossible to put into words. It may be a flash of insight into a person’s character, a feeling of awe evoked by nature, or an unexpected funny pose or gesture. But unless some meaning is conveyed, a photograph is sterile and has no reasons to being.
                                                                         (Kepler 1974 :12)
The word photography comes from two ancient Greek words: “photo”, which means light, and “graph”, which means drawing "Drawing with light". It is a way of describing photography. When photograph is made, light is used to record a picture of an object or scene on a light-sensitive surface. Early photographs were called sun pictures, because sunlight itself was used to create the image. Man has been a maker of images at least since the cave paintings of some 20,000 years ago. With the invention of photography, a realistic image that would have taken a skilled artist hours or even days to draw can be recorded in exact detail within a fraction of a second.

In the history, photography is created from a process of light. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects are recorded into sensitive medium or storage chip through a timed exposure. This process was found by Nicephore Niepce in the first picture which he recorded in 1826 through a polished pewter plate covered with petroleum durative called bitumen of Judea.

Since its invention in 1839, photography's unique powers as a medium of communication which was used to record, report, and inform. People prefer to see things with their own eyes, but when this is impossible, the camera can often serve the same purpose almost as well (Britannica 2006). However, it is not true when people said that photographs never lie as they can be falsified and manipulated. Nevertheless, a photograph can carry a strong measure of authenticity and conviction. As a non-verbal means of communication, photography can surmount the barriers of language and communicate through universal visual symbols.
Joseph Nicephore Niepce
In modern world which have seen a lot of changes, photography become one of the important elements in human life (Ansel 1937). Photographs are used extensively by newspapers, magazines, books, and television to convey information and advertise products and services.  This is explained by Jeffries which states that the role of photography goes beyond the picture itself in defining a story. The significance of the photographic visual can be adopted from a single word- photographic image, which can be more easily understood than alphabets or numbers (Jeffries 1976).  Some theorists believed that humans are genetically wired to communicate visually and that images are often more efficient than words in thought processes (Boone 2006).

Photography today is very much a part of our lives. Directly or indirectly we are touched by it. It influenced our knowledge and understanding of the world, the things we do and it’s used as a tool for our benefit in many different ways.
 (Boone 2006: 25)

The books and articles that are written by the famous author clearly show that the function of photography has become one of the most important elements in human life. Starting from a hobby, it became a career and now it plays an important part in bringing criminals to justice. It has many practical applications in industry, medicine, astronomy, archaeology, scientific research, the graphic arts, law enforcement and in many aspects of contemporary life. 

Photographs in the mass-communication media have made the faces of political leaders, popular entertainers and other celebrities familiar to the public. When a newsworthy event occurs, photojournalists are there to record it. Photojournalists sometimes spend months covering a story. The result of such labors is often a powerful, revealing picture essay that probes far beneath the surface of events.


Semua maklumat dan data di dalam entry ini adalah hakcipta penulis sepenuhnya. Hakcipta terpelihara.Sebarang maklumat yang ingin digunakan perlu mendapatkan kebenaran penulis. 

@Hakcipta terpelihara : Nadzri b Hj Mohd Sharif

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